Elementary building entrance with students

Millersburg Area School District ACT 34 PUBLIC HEARING

Additions and Alterations to Millersburg Area Middle/High School




Please take notice that a public hearing will be held in the Auditorium at the Millersburg Middle/High School located at 799 Center St, Millersburg, PA 17061 on Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 6:00 pm for the purpose of reviewing all relevant matters relating to the construction and equipping of the proposed Additions and Renovations to the Millersburg Area Middle/High School (the “Project).


A description of the Project, including facts relative to educational, physical, administrative, budgetary and fiscal matters of the project, will be presented and will be available for consideration at this public hearing, and, beginning Wednesday, November 16, 2022 a description booklet for the Project will be available during business hours at the Millersburg Area School District Administration Office located at 799 Center St, Millersburg, PA 17061.

The Board of School Directors of the Millersburg Area School District by resolution duly adopted has authorized the following maximum project cost and maximum building construction cost in connection with the project:


Act 34 Maximum Building Construction Cost                   $ 11,373,452                     

(Structure Cost, Design Fees, Movable Fixtures and Equipment, LESS Site Costs)


Other Project Costs                                                           $ 4,180,215

(Site Costs and remaining Project ‘Soft’ Costs)


Maximum Project Cost                                                      $ 15,553,667


This public hearing is being held pursuant to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949, approved March 10, 1949, as amended and supplemented, including amendments made pursuant to Act 34 of the session of 1973 of the General Assembly.

Any and all interested parties are invited to attend and be heard at the public hearings. Interested parties that want to be placed on the public hearing agenda or wish to submit written testimony, or both, may submit their names and/or written testimony to the attention of the School  Board   Secretary,   at   the   District   Office   (address   listed   above)   by   12:00  noon  on  Thursday,  December  15,   2022.   All   testimony   will   be   limited   to   five   minutes per speaker. Additional testimony will be received from the floor at the hearing, by sign-in sheet.

Additional written comments from the public regarding this project will be received by the School Board Secretary via submission at the District office (listed above), until 12:00 noon on January 19, 2023.

Click Here for the ACT 34 BOOKLET