Conservation Club

Millersburg Area High School Conservation Club

Club photo

Activities and Mission Statement

The members partake in water safety activities, complete the Pennsylvania Boater Safety course (and receive their Boating Safety card at the conclusion of the course), participate in stream improvement projects and the float stocking of area streams, hike PA State Gamelands, and explore other various natural habitats.  The mission of the MHS Conservation Club is to spread community awareness of our natural resources, utilize and enjoy the beauty of our local environment, work with the PA Fish and Game Commission to stock the local streams, and educate the community about wildlife management and preservation.  Additionally, the club members learn how to work together during team building activities, collaborate and solve problems efficiently, take responsibility for their outdoor community, and adhere to safety guidelines when exploring nature.  


All school rules are enforced while on any club activity. Disciplinary matters will be dealt with by the advisers and the high school principal. Students will be required to provide their own transportation and proper equipment for the activities of the club. This club is open to all junior and senior class members of Millersburg Area High School. Club membership is a privilege, not a right for students. Membership may be revoked for any of the following: violation of any school student policy, misconduct, attitude, behavior, lack of responsibility, and/or poor grades. Students must maintain academic eligibility and must get approval from all teachers before attending any trips. Also, the potential for injury exists in doing any or all of the above activities. Safety precautions will be taken. However, it is the student's responsibility to adhere to these guidelines.   


There is a yearly membership fee of $20.

Agreement & Parental Permission Slip

Club photo